Mars Digs Taurus ~ 10 Mar 2017

In the past hours Mars immigrated between astrological borders entering Taurus where he’ll remain until the third week of April. This navigation soothes some of the angst of his transit in Aries by the application of basic tangible tasks. Mars, despite allegedly incompatibility with earth signs, digs them... literally. When Mars digs into the ground in Taurus - or any earth sign - an immediate physical result is observable. It’s impossible to shovel air, and scooping out water can be frustrating and difficult to measure. Batting down flames is equally futile. They seem to pop right back up, maybe even spreading with the take down efforts. But digging into soil and turning over a shovelful of terra firma yields immediate gratification. Mars digs Taurus.

Taurus can be amble. It is a fixed sign, all of which allege they believe in the idea that massive change takes time. On a journey of a thousand miles, once the first step is taken, a visible real world metric results - progress! With the heaping of Martian action - every step forward, daily drill to complete priority tasks, and dedicated effort, verifiable results accrete. Because the growth can be seen, measured, weighed, assessed, the results tend to infiltrate consciousness sooner and Mars gleefully picks up the pace.

About two-thirds of the way through this sign passage, Mars and Ceres align on April 9th. These are two of the most reactive, emotionally charged influences in our solar system. They’re easy to rile; difficult to calm. They’re quick to draw their saber ands vigorously rattle them high above their heads. Sometimes the rattling lasts longer than the precipice of patience and defeats the objective of persuasion.

But first, let’s examine another significant transit preceding Mars to Ceres that sets a major tone for what might flag the attention these two incendiary middle of the solar system forces.

On March 29th, Jupiter, retrograde in Libra, precisely squares off with Pluto in Capricorn. This transit holds importance to Mars for two reasons: One, Pluto and Mars in contemporary rulership share influence over Scorpio. With Scorpio everything that occurs holds critical life-changing importance and holds major emotional charge - everything and every event. Two, just beyond Ceres looking out into space, the next classical planet encountered is Jupiter, whose objective is to kick the can down the road of progress as far as possible.

There’s a part of Libra, where Jupiter now ranges, that would really rather avoid negotiation, especially while retrograde. “Hey,” Libra figures, “if there was no opposition, think how much smoother my path would be and how much more there would be for me. So which do I prefer? A course of long-term, delicate, tap-dancing on egg shell protocols and negotiations, or removal of the opposition? Hmm?”

Via the square, Pluto wryly adds in a soft voice... so soft and alluring you must lean into his aura to hear him, “Make sure whatever battles you engage are worth it. Once a war begins, it cannot be undone.” Then he queries, “You do have an end game, right?”

And now back to Mars...

In Taurus he wants results. More, he wants results to be valued, monetized, economically endorsed and then he wants to reap the bounty and luxuriously savor the spoils.


Adding the Mars to Ceres mix...

These two in cahoots will fight to the end to defend any claim to which they believe they are entitled. Together, they stand on the cusp of defensiveness, and in that emotional posture, they hover on the cusp of either shooting themselves in the foot, or a Taurus ruled body part, or cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Mars seeks to live by the axiom that the early bird gets the worm. Be quick but don’t hurry. Chill. Fight the urge to knee-jerk react.

Ceres demands fairness and proper distribution of spoils such that all parties bask in win-win scenarios. Chill. Fight the urge to knee-jerk react (intentional duplication of caution).

Taurus seeks to ensure full value is ascertained, and that reward for every marital effort receives full and commensurate compensation. Grasp the concepts of worth, value, energy and reward.

Under the auspices of the Jupiter to Pluto square...

Jupiter in Libra demands the deal be huge - as huge as possible - and good for all concerned.

Pluto in Capricorn points out that there must be a point of gratification within every transaction, such that lust for more can be quelled. Plutocrats, in the strictest definitions of avarice, need not apply.

Jupiter and Pluto seek the personal Goldilocks zone. That’s the zone in which there is enough economic reward to walk away satisfied; that’s the zone where there’s not so much economic reward that angst is created by the acquisition of wealth.

Mars can dig satisfactory reward for every effort expended. At some point during the Mars in Taurus transit, he will make an exact angle to everyone’s Sun, Moon and Mars. So here’s the bullet point kluge:

Mars to your Sun - Clearly realize and define your goals and objectives. Get off your duff, pack your duffel bag and get on with getting going.

Mars to the Moon - Know why you are doing what you are doing. Be honest with your objectives. If your agenda is to make money, declare that without apology. If your agenda is save the world, unabashedly state that truth.

Mars to your Mars - Know your energy. Measure it and meter it consistent with your goals and the required initial, or in progress steps to meet those goals.

As the piles of accomplishment accumulate, take time to dig it. In the next weeks invest energy into appreciation, gratitude and celebration!

More soon.